letters to my children · Uncategorized

A letter to Anna (01)


You are almost 3 years old now. It is hard to believe how fast the time is going. It seems just yesterday you were just as small as your baby brother.

While the first couple of days you were a little unsure about your baby brother (Yes, you tried to cover him up with a blanket..) you have taken to big sisterhood with flair. You are often leaning down and telling him ‘hewwo’ and giving him kisses. You are always making sure he’s in the same room or coming with us if we’re going out. You are very intrigued with his sucky- sometimes even sneaking it into his mouth yourself.

These days are sometimes trying. You are on the threshold of ‘threenager’. You can throw one serious tantrum. Your independent streak has had you walking, talking and potty training on your own time (sometimes to mom and dad’s concern).

However, those big beautiful eyes and smile can light up a room – and my heart. You love to play outside, to dance and to swim. Bath time is your favorite. Your imagination is growing, and we are often playing hide and seek, or with your dollies or play kitchen. Helping me in the real kitchen is even more fun.

Each new day brings more words and bigger phrases – I can’t wait until we’re sharing conversations. I love watching you explore and interact in the world, I can see that just like your daddy you will have new friends wherever you go.

Love you my Lilypad,


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