letters to my children

A letter to Anna (02)



We set off on the adventure of parenthood with so many expectations; expectations as to how we will parent and what our new life as a family will look like. The reality is in so many ways both amazing and humbling.

From the day you came blazing into our lives (4 weeks early) you have been a girl who knows her own mind. Your fast and unexpected arrival should have been our first clue as to what was in store for us. From that day forward you have done things on your own time. You have:

  • crawled at 10 months
  • walked later than 18 months
  • are just getting a handle on talking and potty training at 3.

We have seen physiotherapists, pediatric cardiologists, speech therapists and each time there has been no medical cause for your delay. It has always come down to ‘personality’. With your strong will I have no doubt you will do anything you want in life. Most recently you are showing signs of a ‘motor tic’, an unprompted winking of your left eye. I am thinking (hoping) that this is just the latest thing you have come up with to cause your mamma worry and that it will fade away when  you are ready.

For all the concern you cause me Anna, you bring me joy in equal measure. You challenge me to change my preconceived notions on so many levels. You teach me greater compassion, acceptance and understanding for others. You push me to grow my patience and to eliminate my judgements.

In my eyes, you are the most beautiful girl in the world.



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