Family Photos · ME Project

Celebrating Small Victories


My resolution to look after myself in 2017 is still going strong. A few things that are really making a difference:

  1. Will started sleeping through the night! Sleep is glorious, enough said.
  2. Keeping a food journal and working with a dietician has helped me kick start some healthy habits. I am doing more planning and preparation, less snacking and generally eating better.
  3. I joined a gym (and I’m going!) I am remembering how much I enjoy exercise and wondering why I didn’t do this sooner.

I have a long way to go but I am starting to regain some energy and feel a little bit better about myself. I even had motivation to take on some small photo projects. This week I got some self portraits with the kids, and did Will’s 10 month portrait. 10 months! How is that even possible?!

Here is to celebrating the little things and continued health in 2017…

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