
My Minimalism Game

I  have been slowly chipping away at the scanning and restoring of our family photos for a LONG time.  I needed a little project to kickstart my motivation and get this done (and the boxes of old photos sent back to Mom). I have decided I will do my own variation on the ‘minimalism game’. I am going to scan and restore one photo today, two tomorrow, three the next day and so on for thirty days.

Day 1:

This photo is of my Dad and I. I thought it was fitting to start with this one, as this has been a pretty critical week for  Dad’s health. This week he is recovering in hospital following his successful Quadruple Bypass surgery. This after surviving three separate cancers. His persistence and positive attitude are inspiring. There is a long road of healing ahead but I just know that he will be back playing hockey and pickleball before we know it.


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